Real-life events from The Cycle of the Shen

Tina Bailey wrote to me about a line in The Cycle of the Shen where Terrell references a recent explosion at a motel in Bremerton, Washington. She wanted to know how it made it into the novel.

This was based on an actual event: Gas Explosion Reported at Bremerton Motel.

I traveled to Bremerton just after the accident occurred, and here’s a photo I took. You’re looking at the end of the motel that lost several rooms:

Motel 6 photo 2

There is a scene in the book where Terrell is instructed to empty the second floor tenants of the Victor Smith Building by claiming there was a gas leak. This scene was already in the story when the Motel 6 accident occurred. The coincidence of the explosion just after writing about one was a little creepy to me, so I inserted the reference to the Bremerton explosion during the final edit.

I like to set my novels around real historical events and places. Some other things from The Cycle of the Shen that are true:

  • There really was a Victor Smith, and he was a prominent leader in Port Angeles’ history. He died in the famous wreck of the Brother Jonathan.
  • Port Angeles was indeed laid out by the feds. It was known as the “Second National City.” The port of entry was briefly moved from Port Townsend to Port Angeles.
  • In 2003, a multi-million dollar graving dock project in Port Angeles uncovered the largest pre-European contact Native American village in Washington State, revealing more than 10,000 artifacts and 335 intact skeletons. The project was abandoned in 2004 and the land was returned to the  Lower Elwha Klallam tribe.


The Cycle of the Shen reviews

A couple of early reviews are in! Thank you “Kacee24” and “Joy” for the great reviews you left at Amazon. It is much appreciated!

TCOTS cover 200x300I’m hard at work on the sequel to “A”. I’m quite happy with the direction it’s going. A few surprises, of course, and an ending I can’t wait to write! 🙂 Look for the announcement of the title soon.

Let me know what you thought of The Cycle of the Shen – please leave your review at Amazon, where it will help other readers find the book!

Thanks for your support of The River series.

“Bank” free, “Oregon” 99 cents to celebrate release of “The Cycle of the Shen”

TCOTS cover 200x300The release of Book 10 in The River series, The Cycle of the Shen, is just a few hours away. We’re now very deep into the story, and this new title is definitely not stand-alone. To celebrate the release, Book One The Bank of the River and Book Two A Haunting in Oregon are both on sale!

The Bank of the River is free, and A Haunting in Oregon is just 99 cents during the holiday weekend. You can use Amazon’s gift feature to send these books to a friend. Jumping into The River has never been easier!

BOTRcover-smallAHIOcover-smallFor those of you who pre-ordered The Cycle of the Shen, my thanks. It should arrive soon, perhaps today, even though the official release date is tomorrow. The paperback is also available now.

I hope you enjoy this new installment!


Order the next book in The River series: The Cycle of the Shen

Steven and Roy return in book ten of The River series, just announced and available for pre-order at now!

Here’s the book description:

Does paradise only exist in our minds?

Eximere always seemed like paradise to Steven and Roy. Having agreed to act as caretakers for the mansion, they have been spending more time at Eximere, becoming acquainted with its quirks and idiosyncrasies.

However, the more Steven and Roy learn about Eximere, the more disillusioned they become.

Their recent discoveries of Eximere’s nature have extended their circle of caretaking, and now a century-old creature from a tiny town on the peninsula threatens to unravel the delicate balance that keeps Eximere functional. As they struggle to stop this strange entity from destroying everything they love about Eximere, more of James Unser’s bizarre design is revealed — and the results are devastating to Steven and Roy.

The Cycle of the Shen is a fast-paced paranormal mystery, and the tenth book in The River series.

Releases September 5, 2015. Reserve your copy today at!