Steven and Roy return for Book 15 of The River series: Node

Coming November 5! Pre-order at a discount today!

Lily used a pair of vice grips to pry her fingernail up, showing him the bleeding gore underneath. “That’s so much better,” she said. “Now I can breathe. It’s easier once you let it out.”

When Steven and Roy agree to help a woman who accidentally animates a collection of antique dolls, they find themselves in a much deeper haunting than either expected. At a house near Deadwood, South Dakota, they uncover a room full of dead people.

Each has a strange metal tube sticking out of one ear.

Deem joins Steven and Roy along with Terrell and a cast of new characters, all trying to unravel the mystery of the corpses and the tubes, exposing a deadly conspiracy within the town. In the process, they confront uncomfortable questions about death:

How long does it really take to die?

At what point are we really gone?

Node is a fast-paced ghostly adventure, and the fifteenth book of The River series.

New Downwinders coming July 2!

I’m excited to announce that the next title in The Downwinders series is The Remains and will be available July 2!

Pre-orders receive a special discount of 20%. Normal price will be $4.99, but if you pre-order, you can pick it up for just $3.99!

From the book’s description:

Why is the town mortuary secretly removing bodies in the middle of the night?

Deem, a young woman living downwind in southern Utah, is using her gift to figure that out. Spying on the old funeral home with the help of her boyfriend Warren, she confirms that corpses are being stolen – but for what purpose?

With Winn and David away in Europe, and Warren too skeptical to be much help, Deem is grateful when her cousin Alice comes to the rescue. Together they stake out the mortuary and begin an adventure that takes them all over the southwest, coming face to face with a giant conspiracy that threatens to overtake them all.

Just as she is on the cusp of solving the mystery and dispensing some justice, Deem is betrayed by everything she has come to rely on – with devastating consequences.

Things may never be the same…


Pre-order your copy today!

A long wait, but the new novel has finally arrived!

It took a long time to write this one; it’s been nine months since Descent Into Hell Street. I’m very proud of The Coldwater Haunting, and hope you will enjoy it. It’s my longest novel at over 100,000 words. It was also one of the most enjoyable to write.

With this book there were four areas I wanted to explore:
– Ongoing skepticism in the face of the bizarre
– Capturing the sense of disorientation that comes from a new house
– Creating something that slowly expands, with surprising layers
– Writing something people would have to keep the lights on to read 🙂

This is a stand-alone title and isn’t part of a current series. It also isn’t a “River” book (the word is never mentioned) although readers of my other works will notice a few familiar faces.

Feedback from early reviews has been great, so I think you’ll really enjoy this title!

Thank you for supporting my work!


Book Description:

An isolated house. Ghosts in the windows. Something climbing the stairs.

Ron lands the home of his dreams, isolated on a rural mountain, away from the noise and crowds of the city. With the house in need of repairs, he works on fixing it up before his wife and son join him. Unfortunately, the more he repairs, the more problems he uncovers.

During the day, he works on the mundane: septic system, plumbing, electrical wiring. But when the night comes and a deep darkness settles on the lonely property, a whole new set of troubles develop: scratching at the windows, the sound of footsteps on the stairs, shadowy figures in the yard. Threats. Attacks.

Ron comes to realize the house is unsafe — not because of the physical problems, but because of the unseen. He needs to rid the building of whatever evil has taken hold, but there’s one huge obstacle: he doesn’t believe in ghosts. He’s a total skeptic.

His friend Jake helps with the repairs. Jake is more willing to accept that the nightmarish apparitions in the house are real, and his girlfriend Freedom attempts to cleanse the house. Her methods backfire, so she leaves, frightened, refusing to return to the house. She demands Jake leave too, but Ron convinces Jake not to abandon him.

Desperate to solve the haunting, Jake ropes in others who claim to have “the gift,” but they all fail, unable to confront and outwit the evil inside the house. While Ron and Jake try to uncover the mystery, they go on a frightening journey, eventually coming to terms with the mountain’s troubled history. An ugly, brutal war waged between two families still consumes the area, and Ron’s house is caught in the middle of it.

The Coldwater Haunting is a ghost novel of over 100,000 words. It contains chilling scenes some may find disturbing. Advance readers report the book interfering with their dreams…

“Extremely creepy!”

“Kept me on edge…no way to escape it.”

“Goose flesh on my arms!”

“The warning was merited…dreamt about it ALL night.”

“The best book you’ve written.”

The Coldwater Haunting will be released for Kindle and Kindle Unlimited on April 19. There will also be a paperback and hardbound version.

New novel completed!

My next novel is complete and in the editing stages! The title and cover are coming soon, along with presale information. It is not a River title, but it is a haunted house tale, and it’s my largest book…over 100k words.

Looking forward to sharing it with you! Keep an eye out for the title announcement!
