I was asked recently about how I’m viewing the future of “River” books. Here’s my thoughts…
The three main series (The River series, The Downwinders series, and The Dark River series) have a certain perspective on the River and definitely form the basis of the River universe. Lately, however, I’ve been intrigued by what kind of different aspects there might be to the River than the ones presented in those series. The Mausoleum series is an example — the question being, what would it be like to be PAID to work in the River? What if it could be your day-to-day job? How would that work? What kind of job would it be?
In my new book, I Reside Here, coming May 4, the question is, what happens when a child discovers they have a gift, but don’t really understand what it is, and how to use it?
Being able to explore these alternative perspectives of the River, while staying within the framework of the already-constructed “universe” has been really satisfying for me, allowing me to stretch a little and try a few new things. I hope the results were as enjoyable for you.
Going forward, as I deal with the finishing edits to I Reside Here (a book that I must say, I REALLY like), I’ve started writing the next novel, which will be Book 16 in The River series. As much as I enjoy the new perspectives, it’s always fun to return to Steven and Roy, and hope you will find it fun, too. The title is Spirit Lake, and it will be released after I Reside Here.
Thank you for your support and for buying my books! I appreciate all my fans out there and am grateful that you take the time to support my work.