Hello! It’s been a little while, so I thought I’d stop writing for a moment and fill you in on what I’ve been up to!
FIRST and FOREMOST, I want to let you know that The River series continues…I’m working on the next Steven and Roy book right now, and it’s about 75% done. This one has really surprised me. I dislike predictability (unless it’s with regards to my car or my DVR) so I was delighted when this new book took a surprise turn and freaked me out a little! I hope you’ll like it. I’m really excited to finish it up and make it available – maybe sometime around the first part of December, right when we’re all trying to schedule parties and order presents from Amazon!
SECOND, I wanted to tell you about the next Steven and Roy book after that – it will be a free novella, a “thank you” to my readers, available only to members of my email list! It won’t be available on Amazon. If you aren’t already on my email list, why not take a moment and sign up? I only use the list to send out announcements of new releases and special sales, so you don’t need to be worried about receiving a lot of pestering email from me. And of course I’ll never share it, ever.
THIRD, I was hoping you’d take a moment to let me know what you thought of The Impossible Coin by sharing your review at Amazon! The kindest compliment you can give an author is to tell a friend about their book, and to post a review! Sales have been good, and I’ve been happy at the reception. Amazon reviews really, really matter, so if you enjoyed it (or even if you didn’t) would you take a moment to let me know by posting a review there?
FINALLY, as we head into the holiday season and a discussion of things we’re thankful for, I want you to know how thankful I am that you’ve supported my passion for writing. It’s made me able to write more, and to keep the stories of Steven and Roy and Deem and Winn coming, and I’ve extremely grateful for that. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with you and yours: lots of turkey (or tofurky, if you prefer) and potatoes, stuffing, gravy, cranberries – and pumpkin pie. Some good football. Quality time with the ones you care about. That’s what matters. Enjoy!